Our Trucks
These are all of the trucks affiliated with our park!
Vagabond Tacos
twitter: @vagabondtaco
twitter: @fowlersnhanh
fb: 30photogo
The Cheese Melt
twitter: @thecheesemelt
fb: thecheesemelt
Kona Ice WestMoreland
Babcia's Lunchbox
fb: babciaslunchbox
The Daily Grind
La Catrina on Wheels
fb: lacatrinapgh
Oakmont Barbecue
twitter: @oakmontbbqco
fb: oakmontbbqco
mobile chef
twitter: @mobilechefcorp
fb: mobilechefcorp
Elegant Catering
fb: elegantcatering
Philly Buster
twitter: @phillybusterft
Caustelot creamery
twitter: @caustelot
Surf on turf
twitter: @surfonturftruck
fb: surfonturf
Black Box Bistro
twitter: @blackboxbistro
Wicked Ribs N'At
fb: ribsnat
E-kernal-ly yours
fb: ekernallyyours
Bruster's Ice Cream
Truckin' Fresh
twitter: @truckinfreshpa
fb: truckinfresh
Pyles of Pasta
twitter: @davidmpyles8125
fb: davidmpyles8125
Rogue BBQ
twitter: @roguebbqpgh
fb: roguebbqpgh
Billu's Indian Grill
twitter: @billusindgrill
Weiners Gone Wild
twitter: @weinersgonewild
fb: weinersgonewild
Hot Bunz
FANtastic Food
fb: fantasticfood